Call for presenters - virtual seminar series for students and new professionals
The International Council on Archives (ICA) is hosting a virtual seminar series in 2024 for student and new professionals to present at.
The series is organised by the ICA's New Professionals Programme (NPP) and the Forum of National Archivists (FAN) and is designed to provide a platform for the current international community of students and new professionals (anyone in the first five years of their career) to share their work, ideas and/or research.
The NPP/FAN Virtual Seminar Series will cover three main themes:
Archives and Technology
Archives and Social Justice
Archival Education, Training and Research
The call for presenters includes all the details:
ICA is hoping to reach a wide range of students and new professionals, and ask that you share the call.
Those presenting will need either:
ICA Membership
Sign up via your ARANZ membership (email
Work for a National Archive that is a FAN institution.
The seminars will be free for anyone to join and will be recorded and made available afterwards.
If anyone has any questions please get in touch with Nicola Laurent at