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Political Party Policies - Election 2023

ARANZ has compiled links to political party policies related to the GLAMiR sector for Election 2023. This is for members and professionals in the sector to make informed choices which may affect their profession post-election.

This page will be updated as replies are received or policies are added/amended.

As of 21st September 2023, the two major parties have not released a specific Arts, Culture and Heritage policy.

Green Party

Arts, Culture and Heritage Policy

Digital Policy

General policy page

The Opportunities Party (TOP)

E-mailed reply: “We don't have any specific policies in this space, but all our policies can be found here: However, in our Christchurch Plan we are committed to protecting our assets with a Heritage Repair Fund of $40 million, primarily for the Christchurch Cathedral and Arts Centre.”

General policy page

New Zealand First

Broadcasting, Arts, Culture and Heritage

General policy page

Te Pāti Māori

Toi Māori

General policy page

ACT Party

No specific policy provided

General policy page

Labour Party

No specific policy provided

General policy page

National Party

No specific policy provided

General policy page

NB - ARANZ is a politically neutral professional organisation and does not endorse any political party. The links provided are for information purposes only.